18 Oct 2013 Seminar: Economic Reform in China and Vietnam: Accession to International Trade Agreements

Friday October 18th 2013
BSG Lecture Theatre, 10 Merton Street

Economic Reform in China and Vietnam: Does Accession to International Trade Agreements Help or Hinder?

Since 2000, China and Vietnam have both acceded to the WTO and they are engaged in a number of regional trade initiatives. In this seminar, three experts will explore the links between integration into the global economy and domestic economic reforms. Questions they will address include: How does accession to international trade agreements shape and modify economic and political institutions? How successful have governments been in using accession to pursue domestic reforms? How are the rules and values of global economic institutions defined and adapted to the domestic context?


  • Dr. Tu Anh Vu, Oxford-Princeton Global Leaders Fellow and former Director of Research, Fulbright Economics Teaching Program, Vietnam
  • Professor Shaun Breslin, Professor of Politics and International Studies and China Specialist, University of Warwick
  • Dr. Eric Thun, Peter Moores University Lecturer in Chinese Business at Saїd Business School