The Future of the Global Trade and Investment Architecture: New Research from Carolyn Deere Birkbeck

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GEG’s Carolyn Deere Birkbeck and Kimberley Botwright have published a new paper on The Future of the Global Trade and Investment Architecture: Pursuing Sustainable Development in the Global Economy for the E15Initiative, a joint project of the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development and the World Economic Forum. The Overview Paper will serve as background for the E15Initiative’s ongoing series of conversations on the Global Trade and Investment Architecture (GTIA) over the coming year, with Carolyn Deere Birkbeck serving as the Theme Leader.
The global trade and investment architecture plays a critical role in shaping the organisation and structure of international commerce – from production and distribution to consumption. Yet, tensions and questions abound – some longstanding, some new – about whose interests it best advances, its distributional impacts, and its responsiveness to changing market forces and political demands. Although there is a regular supply of proposals on rules and policies for global trade and investment, critical thinking on the trade and investment architecture is less prevalent. The overview paper presents a mapping of the GTIA and a scoping of the core issues and debates at hand. Looking across the global trade and investment landscape, it proposes a set of key game changers, emerging issues, and enduring challenges that raise questions for conversations on the future of the GTIA.
As a complement to the E15Initiative Overview Paper, the co-authors have also produced a GEG working paper, Changing Demands on the Global Trade and Investment Architecture: Mapping an Evolving Ecosystem. In this paper, Deere Birkbeck and Botwright draw on the E15Initiative research to update and bolster the analytical foundations for scholarly analysis of the global trade and investment architecture in light of evolving trends and public policy demands.
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