
Peter Knaack presents research in China

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GEG researcher Peter Knaack recently spent a month of field research in China as a Visiting Scholar of the Center for New Structural Economics at Peking University. 

Since the global financial crisis of 2007-9, Chinese authorities have been formal members of the Basel Committee and several other standard-setting bodies under the umbrella of the Financial Stability Board, which reports to the G20. China’s emerging role in global financial governance is of importance not only for fellow G20 members, but also for a majority of developing countries with no formal means of participation in financial standard setting. Peter received a kind invitation by the State Council Development Research Center to present the results of a three-year GEG research project on how low-income countries around the world respond to global financial standards. The research trip, with generous support from the John Fell Fund, allowed Peter to meet with scholars and policymakers to gain a deeper understanding of the political economy of global financial regulation from a Chinese perspective. 

The State Council DRC signed a multi-year contract of cooperation and exchange with the Blavatnik School of Government in 2016. Peter's trip helps keep those ties alive and active.